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04 April, 2012

Party Girl PTU Tutorial

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 4 April, 2012. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.


Tube(s) of choice. I'm using the artwork of Very Many. Please do NOT use her work unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase her work and obtain a license at PicsForDesign

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a PTU kit called Let's Party by my wonderful friend Kerry of Purple's Kreations. You can find this kit and many more awesome kits by her HERE

Masks -
All of these masks can be found on Vix's blog HERE

This tutorial was written with the assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. I'm using PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version.

Let's get started!!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas - flood fill white

Copy and paste p4 - apply Vix_Mask146 - merge group

Copy and paste p13 - apply Vix_Mask112 - merge group - lower opacity to 50%

Copy and paste stars - duplicate - mirror - merge down - add drop shadow

Copy and paste splat1 - add drop shadow

Copy and paste p1 - apply Vix_Mask103 - merge group - copy and paste tube (or close-up) - drag below the mask103 layer - erase everything from the tube around the outside of the frame part of the mask - add a heavy drop shadow to the tube - merge down

Copy and paste disco ball - resize - move to upper right of star - add drop shadow

Copy and paste party - move to the lower right of the tag - drag below the top mask layer - add drop shadow

Copy and paste glitterstars - move over the top of the top frame - add drop shadow

Copy and paste speakers - mirror - move to the lower left - add drop shadow

Copy and paste kiss2 - resize - move left near speakers - add drop shadow

Copy and paste lippy - resize - move to the right - add drop shadow

Copy and paste cherries - resize - move to upper left - add drop shadow

Copy and paste ribbon - move to bottom - add drop shadow

Copy and paste tube - resize - drag below ribbon layer - add drop shadow

Crop tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name

26 March, 2012

Toxic Beauty

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 26 March, 2012. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental


Tube of choice. I'm using the art work of Barb Jensen. Please do NOT use her work unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase her work and obtain a license HERE

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a PTU kit called Toxic by my awesome friend Kerry of Purple's Kreationz. You can find this kit and many more awesome kits from her HERE

Masks - 

This tutorial was written with the assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. I'm using PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version.

Let's get started!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas - flood fill white

Copy and paste paper of choice - apply Vix_MaskValentine4 - resize by 80% - merge group

Copy and paste another paper of choice - apply Mask39byDMM - merge group - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste wire1 - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste frame2 (F2) - using your magic wand click inside the frame - expand by 4 - copy and paste another paper of choice - invert - delete - KEEP SELECTED

Copy and paste a close-up of your tube - delete - SELECT NONE - change blend mode to luminance

Bring your frame to the top - add a drop shadow to the frame and tube layers - hide all layers EXCEPT your tube your frame and your frame paper layers - merge these 3 layers visible - unhide the other layers

Copy and paste cherries - resize by 80% 2x - add a drop shadow - move to the lower right of the frame

Copy and paste martini - move to the left of the frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste kiss - resize by 80% 2x - move to lower left of frame near martini stem - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste staronstring - move to left and up a bit - duplicate - mirror - merge down - add a drop shadow and drag below merged frame layer

Copy and paste star - resize by 50% - rotate slightly - move to upper right of frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste toxic liquid - resize by 50% - move to left by the kiss - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste glitter1 - add a drop shadow - drag below merged frame layer

Copy and paste spikedheart - resize by 50% - move to lower right - drag below cherries layer - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste pill - resize by 80% - move to right - add a drop shadow - drag below spiked heart layer

Copy and paste tube - resize if needed - place where desired - add a drop shadow

Crop tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name


24 March, 2012

Rockabilly Babez

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 24 March, 2012. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.


Tube(s) of choice. I'm using the gorgeous art work of  Keith Garvey. Please do not use his work unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase his work and obtain a license from PTE

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a PTU kit called Rockabilly by my awesome and long time friend Kaci of Scrappin Krazy Designs. You can find this kit and many more awesome kits from her on her blog HERE

This tutorial was written with the assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. I'm using PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version!!

Let's get started!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas and flood fill white

Copy and paste ele25 - resize by 80%

Copy and paste ele56 - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste ele61 - using your magic wand click inside each side of the frame - expand by 8 - copy and paste your paper of choice from the kit - invert- hit delete - KEEP SELECTED

Copy and paste a close-up of your tube(s) - resize if needed - arrange them inside each side of the frame - delete on each tube layer - SELECT NONE

Make sure to bring the frame layer to the top - add a drop shadow to the frame and tube layers

Copy and paste ele33 - resize - move to the bottom left of the frame - duplicate - mirror - merge down - duplicate - flip - merge down -  add a drop shadow and move below the paper layer

Copy and paste ele42 - resize - move to the lower left of frame - duplicate - mirror - merge down - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste ele62 - drag just above raster 3 layer - duplicate - mirror - merge down - add drop shadow

Copy and paste ele45 - resize by 60% - move to the upper left part of frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste ele07 - resize by 60% - mirror - move to lower right of frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste ele11 - resize slightly - move to the bottom of tag - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste your main tube - resize if needed - place where desired - add a drop shadow

Crop your tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name


20 February, 2012

Twilight Yummy

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 20 Feb, 2012. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.


Tube of choice. I'm using the art work of Freya Langford-Sidebottom. Please do NOT use her work unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase her work and obtain a license from AIL

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a PTU kit called Twilight Luvr by Kaci of Scrappin Krazy Designs. You can find this and many more awesome kits from Kaci HERE

This tutorial was written with assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. I'm using PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version.

Let's start!!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas - flood fill white

Copy and paste paper of choice - apply mask - resize by 80% - merge group

Copy and paste frame - resize by 70% - move up slightly - use magic wand and click inside the frame - expand by 3 - copy and paste another paper of choice - invert - delete - copy and paste tube - move what you want inside the marching ants - delete - select none - send frame to top - add drop shadow to tube and frame layers - change blend mode on tube to multiply - close off mask and background layers - merge visible your paper, frame, and tube - reopen mask and background - close off merged frame layer

Copy and paste black hearts - add drop shadow

Copy and paste elem33 clouds - move to lower left - duplicate - mirror

Copy and paste elem35 cloud - move down over the middle of elem33 clouds - merge these 3 layers - add drop shadow

Copy and paste rose petals - drag below frame layer - add drop shadow

Copy and paste ribbon - resize by 80% - move to left of the frame -  add drop shadow

Copy and paste rose - resize by 80% - move to right of frame - add drop shadow

Copy and paste tube - resize if needed - place where desired - add drop shadow

Crop tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name


Hell on Heels

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 16 Feb 2012. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.


Tube of choice. I'm using the art work of Barb Jensen. This is an SATC Exclusive tube so please do NOT use this tube unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase this tube and obtain a license from SATC

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a FTU kit called Kinky Bitch from my awesome friend Kerry of Purple's Kreationz. You can find this kit and many more awesome kits from Kerry HERE

This tutorial was written with the assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. I'm using PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version.

Let's start!!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas - flood fill white

Copy and paste paper of choice - apply mask - resize by 80% - merge group

Copy and paste wire - add drop shadow

Copy and paste diamonds - resize if needed - move to the top of the mask - duplicate - flip - add drop shadow

Copy and paste star - resize if needed - add drop shadow

Copy and paste sign - resize if needed - move to lower right - a drop shadow

Copy and paste boot2 - resize if needed - move to lower left - add drop shadow

Copy and paste tube - resize if needed - place where desired - add drop shadow

Crop tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name


Rac Cutie

This tutorial was written by Coyotie on 10 Feb, 2011. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.


Tube of choice. I'm using the artwork of Ismeal Rac. Please do NOT use his work unless you have the proper license to do so. You can purchase his art and obtain a license from his store HERE

Scrap kit of choice. I'm using a PTU kit called The Cutie from my awesome friend Kerry of Purple's Kreationz. You can find this kit and many more awesome kits from her HERE

This tutorial was written with the assumption that you have a basic working knowledge of PSP. PSP X2 but this can be done in any other version.

Let's start!!

Open a 600x600 transparent canvas - flood fill white

Copy and paste paper of choice - apply mask - resize by 80% - merge group

Copy and paste frame2 - resize by 80% - using the magic wand click inside the frame - copy and paste the same paper you used for your mask - invert - delete - copy and paste a close-up of your tube - move the part you want inside the marching ants - delete - select none - send frame layer to the top - add a drop shadow to both the frame and tube layers - change the opacity on the paper layer to 40 - change the blend mode on the tube to luminance legacy

Copy and wire - resize by 90% - drag to the bottom

Copy and paste sparkle - drag to just above the paper layer

Copy and paste stars2 - move to upper left - drag below paper layer - add drop shadow

Copy and paste ribbow3 - resize by 90% twice - move to bottom of frame - erase just enough on both sides so it appears to be coming out of the frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste bow3 - resize by 90% twice - move to upper right of the frame - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste barbedheart - resize by 80% twice - move over top of the bow on the ribbon - add a drop shadow

Copy and paste tube - resize if needed -  add a drop shadow -  place where desired

Crop tag

Add artist info and license number

Add name


19 February, 2012

Kellie Faerie Tube and Scrap Kit Bundle!!

Check the this teaser tag for Charles Bristow's Kellie Faerie and matching kit by me Coyotie Designs!!
These will both be available soon at AIL as a Limited Edition bundle for only $4!!!

Watch for updates on when they will be released..and who knows I might even run a contest where you can get the bundle for FREE!!!

Kit Preview!!

Tube Preview!!


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Kellie G.
I'm Kellie and I'm just a simple girl who loves to read and travel. Mom of 5 and Independent Distributor for It Works! Global.
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